“Every day, I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I’m not there, I go to work.”
– Robert Orben

Welcome to the October Edition of Ryan’s Retirement Ramblings – The monthly newsletter that will bring you the latest developments from the qualified plan space & provide updates for the retirement team at Wheeler Retirement Plans.
On A Personal Note…

I cannot say I attended the Seattle game pictured however the image of Coach Jessica Campbell in the team huddle sends chills down my entire body. Having “3” daughters of my own and constantly encouraging them to reach for their dreams, Coach Campbell having broken down the barriers of female coaches in the NHL is truly awesome. She brings a wealth of hockey experience and deserves every opportunity to excel at the NHL level. I immediately shared this picture with my daughters as a beacon; as a reality; as an example of what could be. I’m thrilled for Coach Campbell and more importantly for our daughters to grow up in a world where expertise is valued. So cool.
Helping Employees Avoid Retirement Health Care Sticker Shock

Housing? Check. Life insurance? Check. Dining out? Check. For most retirees, these types of line items are fairly predictable and factored into their monthly budget. But when it comes to health care, the situation can change dramatically. These expenses are often unpredictable and underestimated — and this wild card can disrupt an otherwise carefully planned retirement, leaving many….
IRS Issues Guidance on Student Loan Matching

Thirty percent of adults in the U.S. report having received a student loan to further their education. According to the Federal Reserve, the median student loan debt for those with outstanding balances in 2023 ranged between $20,000 and $25,000. To help ease this financial burden, employers are increasingly offering a match toward student loan repayments as an employee benefit to help alleviate the financial strain. This trend also highlights the increasing focus on addressing student debt within the framework of overall financial wellness initiatives….
Navigating Higher Fees and Opportunities for Smaller 401(k) Plans

Although the costs of retirement benefits have generally decreased due to fee compression, smaller plans are still at a disadvantage. Smaller plans pay more per participant due to fixed costs, while larger plans benefit from economies of scale even with greater total costs
The 2024 edition of the “401(k) Averages Book” states that total bundled charges, which include investing, recordkeeping, and administration fees, average 4.16% for plans with 10 members and $100,000 in assets, compared with 1.62% for plans with 500 participants and $5 million in assets….
Participant Corner

Retirement Plan Crossword Puzzle
It might not be the New York Times Crossword but it will test your retirement acumen.
Mr. C’s Movie Review

Wow. What a memorable experience. Wow. What superb storytelling. Wow. What amazing performances.
I recommend going in knowing as little as possible, as I had no idea what I was about to watch. I half heartily watched the trailer and there was no preparation for what I watched.
I would normally roll my eyes at a movie broken up into chapters unless Quinton Tarantino is involved; especially if said chapters are not in chronological order. In Strange Darling, the chapters actually serve a purpose. In this movie, the chapters are in perfect order; maximizing the impact. It gave me Christopher Nolan vibes.
Kyle Gallner (playing the role of the Demon), is front and center. He’s always convincing and this might be his best performance yet. But Willa Fitzgerald (playing The Lady)… who is this?!?!? She steels the show from the opening scene. She needs more leading roles ASAP. And with several long shots of and a small supporting cast, their performances, it’s a beautiful display of their talent levels.
As all of you know, I regularly watch horror and frequently enjoy the serial killer genre. But something about Strange Darling is so refreshing. It feels different. It feels as if the director is watching the audience and saying to himself; “They thought they knew.”
I had a blast with this movie. Don’t get it confused though; this movie is gory and will ruffle your every nerve. It does it as sneakily as a burglar in the night. It’s currently my favorite movie of the year and is significantly better than the overhyped Longlegs (a movie I still enjoyed), or the nonsensical Cuckoo.
On a scale of: “Like It”, “Love It”, or “Gotta Have It”; it’s a “Gotta Have It” for me. I went in thinking just another horror movie. I left mouth agape lobbying for Willa Fitzgerald to be the new scream queen.